West Wales Riding Club is a British Riding Clubs (BRC) affiliated club in BRC Area 21, for riders of 18 years of age and over.
Club Information

Our club is based in Pembrokeshire, West Wales and has been in existence for over 50 years.
We hold regular events throughout the year and have enjoyed success at various national-level events, such as the KBIS Winter Show Jumping National Championships, Horsehage and Mollichaff Intermediate Dressage Winter Championships and more.
West Wales Riding Club is registered with British Riding Clubs and falls within BRC Area 21. You can visit the BRC website by clicking the button below. There you can find information about events and other useful links and resources.
Most of our events and training rallies are held indoor at Moor Farm Equestrian Centre. The centre, owned by Jill and Robert Ridge, is based in Troopers Inn, Pembrokeshire and offers a range of indoor and outdoor facilities all year round. You can find out more about Moor Farm on their website by clicking the button below.